Change is good II
Might it be that I am perhaps a bit too idle? Blog skin change again. Header photo is my own - gorgeous Grand Anse beach.
Posted byYY at 3:10 am
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YY Thoughts
All men and women are born, live suffer and die;
What distinguishes us one from another is our dreams, whether they be dreams about worldly or unworldly things, and what we do to make them come about...
We do not choose to be born.
We do not choose our parents.
We do not choose our historical epoch, the country of our birth, or the immediate circumstances of our upbringing.
We do not, most of us, choose to die; nor do we choose the time and conditions of our death.
But within this realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we live.
Joseph Epstein
Posted byYY at 11:42 am
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Yes oui
Yesterday, I attended my second PTA meeting at my daughter’s school. As usual, the principals of the primary (junior) and secondary (senior) departments gave a report on the term to date, an overview of the school’s ongoing rebuilding plans, etc.
In his report, the secondary school principal mentioned that as part of the end-of-term activities, Forms 3, 4 & 5 would be participating in a seminar/workshop regarding the CSME and its implications as relates to their future educational/employment opportunities.
It is sad to realize that a bunch of 15 years-old students are going to know more about the Single Market than 99.5% of the Grenadian population. Heck! They’re going to know more than I do. What I know about the CSME I learnt from reading Barbados newspapers. Our government has long been criticised for a lack of coordination, consultation and foresight on other issues of national importance and their handling of CSME has been no different. The vast majority of people barely know what the CSME is, what our plan is to deal with the critical issues of freedom of labour, investment and trade, what it really means to the average person on the street.
Couple this with the revelation that come January 2006, we are supposed to start paying our 5% income tax... oops.. um... our contribution to the Rebuilding & Development Fund (or whatever fancy name they call it this week) – I tell y’all, I don’t know how we go be making it next year nuh.
Makes me feel like going back to high school. Remember those days? Life did look nice back then, eh?
Posted byYY at 10:53 am
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Oh, quick p.s. post:
This afternoon is the general staff meeting where the managing director breaks it to the employees that there will be no Christmas bonus this year.
Yeah boy! Good times. If allyuh don’t hear from me again, is because I get hit in me head with a stray big stone during de riot.
Posted byYY at 3:40 am
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Here I am
I’m not dead. I swear. Problems with blog which the host site’s management - ie: Mr YingYang - has finally solved (yes, after much nagging and a back rub or two). New posts soon.
Oh yeah, its rainy and cold. Brrrr…
Posted byYY at 2:43 am
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Total :eyeroll: post
The latest World Trade Organization rejection of proposed European Union banana tariffs was greeted with dismay Friday by Caribbean nations fearful that they will be unable to compete with Latin American nations.
::eye rolling furiously::
What? Somehow, somewhere, the banana-growers of the region really expected the outcome to be something different? Why, in this day and age, are we still Shocked! Horrified! at these WTO rulings? Could it be because Shock! Horror! we still haven't managed to diversify our crops or our export markets?
Note to banana farmers of the region: The rest of us have accepted that the extra-regional banana trade is dead. Time for you guys to do the same.
Posted byYY at 10:56 am
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