Sunday, February 26, 2006


Holy cow! It's been nearly 3 weeks since I posted and I guess it's nigh time to do something about that. But today is Sunday - siesta-day, and I'm just to lazy to compose a post of any great significance. So what's a lazy girl to do? PHOTOBLOGGING!!!!

I'm actively exercising my beloved Fuji. That camera has so many features I don't know what to do with half of them.

1. Panoramic of St. George's: Lagoon Road/The Carenage area.

Click here for the larger version.

2. Panoramic of gorgeous Grand Anse Beach (No I do not get tired of taking shots of Grand Anse).

Click here for the larger version.

3. Yet another beach shot. I was on this beach this morning and a newly arrived tourist couple walked onto the beach a few feet away from me. The wife looks around, taking in this vista, and says "Oh Billy-Bob! It's just Caribbean!"I guess it is indeed.

4. And isn't this shot rather "Caribbean" as well! Mist & fog rolling down from Mt. Maitland into the suburb of Mt. Parnassus on a miserable rainy day. Do excuse my clothes-line in the foreground.

5. And because no photoblog is complete without some eye candy, I present for the ladies' enjoyment my two favourite actors....*sigh*

.. and before some fast person points out, no I didn't take those shots myself; if I had allyuh would ah hear some news story about a crazed woman pouncing on Terrence Howard and Wentworth Miller at the Golden Globes, bawling out "Oh gad! Oh gad! Ah luv ya bad bad bad!"

Posted byYY at 5:02 pm 0 intrepid souls commented View blog reactions

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


OK then, I guess I'll take on Mad Bull's meme since I have't blogged in ages, and I really should.

A meme about 4 things.... how fortuitous. Four is my favourite number - it's my birthdate. So this Meme about Four better bring some good vibes my way.

Four jobs you've had in your life:
1. Hotel/Front Desk
2. Hotel/Cost Control - after working shifts for about 4 years combined, you ain't catching me back in a hotel.
3. Sales - Aww hell naw! I suck at sales. Only job I was fired from for being terrible.
4. Office Management - Well, there went 4 years of college. I now work in a field fairly unrelated to my degree (marketing).

Four movies you could watch over and over are:
1. Face/Off - Nic Cage and John Travolta. I don't care how sucky it was. I love it.
2. Harold & Kumar go to White Castle. That shit is funnyyyyyyy.
3. The 5th Element - Bruce Willis. Yeah, I'm a Bruce Willis girl; I love this movie - campy and fun.
4. The Matrix Trilogy - Keanu "Sexy" Reeves. Mmmm. I can't believe I'm such a Matrix freak since I generally don't like Sci-fi. And yes, I even like the last one.

Four places you've lived:
1. Springs, St George's, Grenada
2. Castries, St. Lucia
3. Miami Shores, Florida
4. Lucas Street, downtown St. George's, Grenada

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Prison Break!!!!!!! I *heart* this show!
2. Law & Order (all of them)
3. In Living Colour
4. A Baby Story (yeah, Mr YY is always on about didn't I have enough drama with my own labour and delivery, why I want to continously relive the event)

Four places you've been on vacation:
1. New York.
2. Clewiston. (hah! Look it up. It's in the sticks in Central Florida)
3. Staffordshire. (Look that up too! In the sticks in North England)
4. Carriacou. Technically still Grenada but really different in feeling/personality.

Four websites you visit daily (excluding my blogroll)
1. Television Without Pity
2. The First Church of Wentworth Miller
3. MSN
4. CaribbeanNetNews

Four of your favorite foods:
1. Italian
2. Chinese
3. West Indian
4. Indian

Four places you'd rather be:
1. A deserted island off of Sicily. I have no idea why - I have always wanted to go to Sicily.
2. Shanghai. Keeping my 'net sistren Tilary - a tall, black woman with red dreads - company in a place far from home.
3. India. Because I have always wanted to see where my great-grandparents came from.
4. Carriacou. Because Carriacou in small doses is great fun.

Four albums I like best
1. Confessions on A Dance Floor - Madonna. Yeah, as a kid of the 80's, I have undying fondness for Madonna, even though she needs to pack it in already.
2. Jagged Little Pill - Alanis Morissette. *sigh* Days of angst, nights of singing with a hairbrush microphone.
3. The Joshua Tree - U2. Still one of the best rock albums ever.
4. Kanye West - mixture of the 2 albums. Kanye's a bit of a jackass, and can't rap worth shit, but I love a lot of his songs

Any 80's compilation, Bob Marley, Jah Cure, Damian Marley, Sean Paul, and Destra.

Time to fire up iTunes. I feel a vibes coming on.

Posted byYY at 7:56 pm 0 intrepid souls commented View blog reactions