Friday, January 13, 2006

Losing weight

I forgot to blog about the fact that I began a weight loss programme on January 3rd. I had a fat version of a "lightbulb moment" after viewing the hundreds of Christmas photos in which I looked like a land-based version of a submarine. In not one of the photos did I look "nice" and the startling appearance of a double chin (where the hell did THAT come from!) has galvanised me into action.

So, I joined It's a great online diet and exercise web site. I just entered my current weight, my goal weight, and my ideal per week weight loss (2lbs) and the SparkCalculator promised me that if I adhered to the daily calorie/carb/fat/protein limits, and met the required weekly exercise goals, that I would loose 50lbs by July.

If I loose said 50lbs - I will undoubtedly be Grenada's hottest, sexist, sweetest looking, finest-ass woman!

So far, 1.5kgs lost (sorry, my scale is a kilogram scale much to my annoyance) which translates to 3.3lbs. God! I hope that is not just water weight. I am being a very, very good girl. I have cut out all refined sugar, bread, pasta, root veg, rice, and most dairy. I am learning to read labels and count calories. A fit of aerated-drink withdrawal has led me to discover Diet Sprite, which tastes much, much better than any other diet soda - you can't taste the sweetener at all. Yay! I am faithfully chopping salads, measuring quantities and logging everything that passes my lips. And to tell you the truth, it's actually been easier than I thought. If I feel tempted, like today when a client dropped off BARS of Swiss chocolates for us, I just remember that the Christmas picture in which I looked the best (read: least bad) was one of me with my mouth full of food. Talk about motivation.

I still have not begun my recommended exercise routine and I know that unless I do I will definitely not start seeing the type of results I want to see. So..... next week's committment is to get moving.

And guess what? I'm kinda looking forward to it! July - here I come!!!

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